This is Highwood

Its 08:19 Tuesday 23rd April 2024 , thanks for visiting . . . .

This website has been created and hosted by the Martin Ecott living in West Sussex, England.

I worked for a Big Telecommunications company for a long time enjoying a career based in central London dealing with Radio and Video links, International Data Transmission and later in Management dealing with User Access/Security on a UK wide Mainframe Computer System and other IT applications.

Unfortunately with changes in some Senior Management positions and geographical re-organisations etc, things started to get difficult, so I decided to take the excellent voluntary redundancy package that was on offer, I took my money and left them to get on with it.  I then had an IT/Office Managers position with a local engineering company a few minutes walk from my previous home in Croydon, I mostly enjoyed what I did, there was no hassle but not much appreciation either ! Later moved to West Sussex and now enjoying life !

I have had an interest in the website production for sometime, mostly self taught I now manage several websites. One for the Ford Granada Mk1 & Mk2 Drivers Guild, this personal site, along with others.

Come back again soon !

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