This is Highwood

Family History - Introduction

We have been researching the ECOTT Family name for many years, during this time we have traced many family members across the world including, USA, Canada, Australia and Switzerland. All the information is freely available from the various Public Records Offices, Censuses, Parish Registers and IGI Records etc, and has been researched by us. The earliest record of the ECOTT name found so far is dated 1588, and was found in the IGI records for Gloucestershire England.

We would welcome contact from anyone who is, or was, an ECOTT and also from anyone who knew or knows an ECOTT. We are very keen to make contact (via with you wherever you are, and would be grateful for your memories, any ECOTT information, copies of pictures or documents you may have and wish to make available. Any information kindly submitted will only be used for the purpose of developing and documenting the ECOTT Family History and will not be used or released by us for any commercial gain or use whatsoever.

Our grateful thanks to all those who have given their time, effort and family memories so that we could put the ECOTT Family History together, there is still much to do. Thank you for your interest.

The Ecott Family history is recorded and maintained using